GenAI Intelligent Assistant: <br/>Assistive technologies enabler supporting accessibility to banking services, leveraging Google Vertex AI.
GenAI Intelligent Assistant:
Assistive technologies enabler supporting accessibility to banking services, leveraging Google Vertex AI.
  • GenAI Intelligent Assistant

GenAI Intelligent Assistant

Assistive technologies enabler supporting accessibility to banking services, leveraging Google Vertex AI.

Our four key benefits of GenAI Intelligent Assistant

How does it work?

The GenAI Intelligent Assistant extracts value from the capabilities of LLMs in the following ways:

Zero-shot learning (prompting):

Category prediction:

Query type inference:


Get started with GenAI Intelligent Assistant

  • Assistive technologies enabler supporting accessibility
    to banking services, leveraging Google Vertex AI

Our partners

Together, with the GenAI Intelligent Assistant, Thought Machine, Google and GFT can deliver significant value, cost efficiencies and innovation for banks.