This key visual for Anthos depicts a focused woman wearing glasses that reflect data charts. She is gazing thoughtfully at several digital screens filled with diverse analytics, graphs, and data visualizations. The image conveys a sense of deep analysis, advanced technology, and data-driven decision-making, embodying the sophisticated capabilities and insights provided by Anthos. The blue-toned lighting and high-tech environment emphasize the modern and innovative nature of the Anthos platform.
This key visual for Anthos depicts a focused woman wearing glasses that reflect data charts. She is gazing thoughtfully at several digital screens filled with diverse analytics, graphs, and data visualizations. The image conveys a sense of deep analysis, advanced technology, and data-driven decision-making, embodying the sophisticated capabilities and insights provided by Anthos. The blue-toned lighting and high-tech environment emphasize the modern and innovative nature of the Anthos platform.
  • Google Cloud Anthos

Google Cloud Anthos

La plataforma para híbrido y multicloud que actualiza tus aplicaciones de forma segura

Anthos: Modernización de aplicaciones para cargas de trabajo reguladas

Modernización competente de aplicaciones

Anthos, Kubernetes y la contenedorización son temas complejos. GFT posee la experiencia y los conocimientos necesarios para guiar a sus clientes a lo largo del proceso de transformación y modernización de sus aplicaciones:






Anthos ofrece diversas funciones que permiten a las organizaciones asegurar y gestionar el despliegue de soluciones de cloud híbrido.