- Alliances that add value
- Jumpstart CRM with GFT and Salesforce
Jumpstart CRM with GFT and Salesforce
Tap into a pool of specialist business knowledge and technical know-how, and join the fast track to digital success.

Three foundations for success
3 bases for success
Capable professionals
Hundreds of certified professionals in clients and projects and an experienced team of architects.
Business agility
Shorter time to market and great ROI due to extensive use of Agile methods.
Customer-centricity assured
Support tailored to your needs. Migration projects that optimise Salesforce features.
We help our customers create the path to success in financial services, marketing and health clouds, and through integrating complex legacy systems.
Recent successes
- Large automotive finance company
- Brazil's biggest independent insurance company
- Global fitness innovator
- Multinational benefits provider
- Global insurance company
“Salesforce has stood out in the market's journey of digital transformation, SaaS and Cloud, which coincides with GFT's DNA.”
Marco Santos
Group Chief Executive & CEO Americas