De-risk cloud projects: GFT achieves AWS migration and DevOps Competencies

29. września 2021
  • Proven competencies give assurance to clients embarking on cloud initiatives
  • Cloud projects run smoothly, painlessly and efficiently with highest quality and security
  • Competencies proven in rigorous external audit process
Two colleagues working together on a project, discussing ideas while looking at a laptop in a modern office setting.
Professionals collaborating on a project in a modern office environment, emphasizing teamwork, communication, and productivity in business.
Alpesh Tailor
Executive Director Global Cloud Business Unit


  • Press release: De-risk cloud projects: GFT achieves AWS migration and DevOps Competencies

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Competency certifications help companies decide who to rely on to facilitate their journey. AWS has now certified Migration Competency and DevOps Competency statuses for GFT Technologies.

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