• GFT Group grows in first half of 2024 despite challenging markets

GFT Group grows in first half of 2024 despite challenging markets

Dynamic growth in core sector banking, AI offers attractive opportunities
August 13, 2024
  • Group Revenue grew by 11 percent to EUR 429.63 million in first half of 2024
  • Group adjusted EBIT increased by 15 percent to EUR 35.73 million
  • High interest for AI solutions
  • Sophos integration running smoothly, already creating business synergies
  • 2024 Group outlook amended: Revenue and adjusted EBIT expected to grow by around 12 percent
Marco Santos
GFT Logo jpg
GFT Logo jpg

Key figures (IFRS)

(Deviations possible due to rounding differences)

* Adjusted due to the reclassification of sales-related taxes of EUR -6.16 million from other operating expenses and EUR -7.34 million for order backlog. ** Adjusted for effects from M&A activities and share price-based effects in connection with the valuation of variable management remuneration. Further information on the definition of alternative performance measures is provided here on the GFT website.