• Data Uncovered

Data Uncovered

Everything you need to know.

GFT was instrumental in the debates leading up to formulating the structure and data security strategy, successfully participating in the implementation of instant payment initiatives in different markets, such as Brazil.

Now it’s time to make it happen in the US.

Get started with five lessons learned from PIX in Brazil


The FedNow Implementation Journey for Banks

Through the implementation of instant payments initiatives in other countries, such as Pix in Brazil, GFT is the right partner to develop your FedNow strategy. In addition to the expertise to quickly adapt to new requirements, GFT has in-house solutions that allows for the implementation of instant payments in as little as two months, using agile and specialized methods with a clear and defined scope coupled with targeted, assertive planning that maximizes value for your clients and customers.
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A woman wearing glasses, deep in thought while reviewing data on a tablet, symbolizing analysis and strategic thinking.
Image of a professional woman analyzing information on a tablet, representing the importance of thoughtful decision-making in the context of financial technology and innovation.
More than a system or even a platform, GO!BaaS is a solution that encompasses all stages of the Open Finance journey. Based on GFT's expertise on the subject worldwide, it was used to implement an Instant Payment Solution (PIX) in one of the major banks in Brazil.

Open API Framework

Close-up of a hand reaching out to interact with a digital interface made of illuminated dots, symbolizing advanced technology and human-computer interaction.
Image depicting a hand interacting with a futuristic digital interface, representing innovation, technology, and the connection between humans and digital systems.
Open API Framework is a platform to rapidly implement any Open Data strategy, using a serverless infrastructure.
There is no upfront investment or long-term commitment, you only pay for what you use.
Allow all your team involved to work in a secure, serverless and continuously updated environment.

Cloud migration

A futuristic corridor illuminated by linear LED lights, creating a tunnel-like effect with reflections on the floor.
Image of a modern, brightly lit corridor featuring LED lights arranged in a geometric pattern, symbolizing advanced technology and innovation in architectural design.
Read how migrating to the cloud empowers you to redefine the economics of your business and make innovation part of business as usual. With cloud you can remain competitive and ahead of the game.
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