• Portal de Documentos soars on cloud

Portal de Documentos soars on cloud

An exemplary AWS cloud migration in only 2 months
One of Brazil’s top providers of digital solutions for documents with a legal value, Portal de Documentos, faced a technology challenge.
Its core document processing system, Fênix, operated on premises, was costly to maintain and adapt, and limited in scale.
A cloud migration was the only sustainable solution. GFT helped this client migrate to AWS Cloud in only two months with no downtime.
Harnessing agile methods to migrate a complex business from a costly, on-premise system to AWS cloud in 2 months with no disruption to business as usual.
Harnessing agile methods to migrate a complex business from a costly, on-premise system to AWS cloud in 2 months with no disruption to business as usual.


Cloud engineering


Portal de Documentos S.A.
Portal de Documentos S.A. automates the integration of document registration through digital certificates. It also offers proof-of-delivery services and email opening, with or without round-trip traffic to the registry office; technology support services for the electronic data processing service; technical support and maintenance.
Amazon Web Services as a strategic partner
Amazon Web Services as a strategic partner
Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform.



An urgent need to do things differently



Accelerating progress through partnership



An agile business powered by innovation

Dariam Villela
IT Director
Portal de Documentos

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  • Success story

    Portal de Documentos soars on cloud