• Open API Framework

Open API Framework

Get your open API strategy in weeks instead of months, with full flexibility, scalability and resilience.
Mobile banking solution for o2 Banking<br/>
Mobile banking solution for o2 Banking
Is your company ready for open banking?
Discover the benefits of integrating Open API with AWS for your company. This infographic showcases how Open API and AWS can drive fast innovation, foster disruptive ideas, enhance self-service capabilities, boost monetization, and improve user satisfaction. Ideal for businesses looking to leverage cloud technology for growth and efficiency.
Discover the benefits of integrating Open API with AWS for your company. This infographic showcases how Open API and AWS can drive fast innovation, foster disruptive ideas, enhance self-service capabilities, boost monetization, and improve user satisfaction. Ideal for businesses looking to leverage cloud technology for growth and efficiency.

5 advantages of open API Framework

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  • Open API Framework

    Expose your public APIs in a simple, secure and scalable way.

  • What is open banking?

    The secure way to give third party providers access to your financial information using standardised Application Programming Interface (APIs).