
Las compañías de seguros deben ofrecer soluciones que mejoren la experiencia del cliente y construyan relaciones integradas omnicanal.
The image features a stunning city skyline at dusk, with tall buildings and the iconic CN Tower prominently visible. The serene water in the foreground reflects the vibrant lights of the city, creating a symmetrical and tranquil scene. This visual captures the essence of stability, growth, and the future, making it an ideal representation for the insurance industry. The clear, calm waters and the well-lit cityscape symbolize the industry's promise of security, protection, and forward-thinking solutions.
The image features a stunning city skyline at dusk, with tall buildings and the iconic CN Tower prominently visible. The serene water in the foreground reflects the vibrant lights of the city, creating a symmetrical and tranquil scene. This visual captures the essence of stability, growth, and the future, making it an ideal representation for the insurance industry. The clear, calm waters and the well-lit cityscape symbolize the industry's promise of security, protection, and forward-thinking solutions.

Acelere su transformación

Daños y responsabilidad civil

Vida y salud

Experiencia en la que puede confiar

Nuestros clientes y socios confían en la elevada competencia de GFT en el ámbito de las soluciones de seguro innovadoras

Especialista en seguros

Conocimientos de negocio

Globales con presencia local

Socio de Guidewire desde 2011

A groundbreaking approach to insurance which removes the traditional barriers that annoy customers: rigid products, complicated procedures for changes and termination, unfamiliar language and a poor customer experience.
A groundbreaking approach to insurance which removes the traditional barriers that annoy customers: rigid products, complicated procedures for changes and termination, unfamiliar language and a poor customer experience.
Como miembro de la red Guidewire PatrnerConnect, GFT puede ayudarle a dinamizar su negocio de seguros de vida.
Everest Group

GFT se posiciona como Major Contender y Star Performer en el Guidewire Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023

Para ayudar a las aseguradoras a elegir al socio más adecuado para impulsar su transformación, los analistas de Everest Group han evaluado a 24 proveedores de servicios Guidewire con el fin de confeccionar su informe Guidewire Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023.
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