Do banks need to provide better clarity and support to their customers whilst abroad?

Are consumers happy with their banking fees when spending abroad?
02 May 2023
Do banks need to enhance customer support abroad? Explore insights on our blog. Discover strategies for better clarity and assistance.
Do banks need to enhance customer support abroad? Explore insights on our blog. Discover strategies for better clarity and assistance.
Richard Kalas
Head of Retail Banking UK
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Following the release of GFT’s latest Banking Disruption Index, Richard Kalas examines if consumers are happy with their banking fees when spending abroad and what improvements could be made in this two-part blog.

Consumers unhappy with fees

The rise of the neobanks

Press release

Brits unhappy with foreign banking charges; only 26% clear on fees

GFT’s latest Banking Disruption Index highlights the frustration consumers feel with their bank when spending abroad.
Download GFT’s latest Banking Disruption Index report

Time for banks to provide better clarity to their customers whilst abroad

Opportunity for banks to improve


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Banking Disruption Index


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